Sunday, March 3, 2013

Made to Crave Action Plan/ Session 1

So excited about starting my sessions on Made to Crave. The first one was a real eye opener to me. I have been so lucky as to go and share this information with others and had wonderful responses!

Each week we are rotating between Beauty Detox and Made to Crave. I am going to try to blog on each.

This past week was our first in the Made to Crave series and here are a few things that really stuck out for me.

The Lord made me to consume food, not for food to consume me. This goes all the way back to Eve in the garden of Eden. It was food that she was tempted with. And of course we all know she gave in. How strange that something over half of our nation battles with, is the very thing that brought sin down on all of us.

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

The Greek work for "seek" is zeteo. It means to Crave. Now say Matthew 6:33 again using the work Crave.  That is where our cravings need to be geared.

Not only is this study about my spiritually needs, but its based on scientific studies as well. Not just someones opinions. God created us with hunter/gatherer genes that would enable us to survive famine. Meaning that our 1st thoughts when we see food is to EAT. EAT now! There may be none later. But that's not true with most of us. Even us that work and make it week to week always have some type of food to eat. It may not be high quality food, but food. Packaged food industry has changed ingredients to cheaper and lesser quality ingredients and our bodies are paying the price.  We are talking high-fructose corn syrup, refined oils and less or no whole grains. The impact its having?

  • Obesity
  • Inflammatory Diseases
  • Damaged self-esteem

All the above can severely impact our relationship with Jesus Christ. We are sickly, in bed, not able to get out and serve. We are having to depend on others to take care of us. Our self esteem can keep up from sharing Gods word with someone. So its more than being just overweight, or more than having that second helping. I have often said to myself while eating junk or my second helping, "who cares, its only me its affecting?. Have you said that too?

One thing I need to remember, God loves me no matter what I weigh. He loved me at 300 and he loves me now. He will love me when I lose all my weight and he will love me if I never lose another pound. That is one thing I must remember and hide in my heart.
1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us!

Five principles for healthy eating and weight loss

  1. Add fish ( omega-3s)
  2. Increase fiber ( Women 25 grams a day and men 35 grams a day) 
  3. Exercise
  4. Reduce Calories
  5. Increase nutrient-rich fruits and veggies 
Fiber,  NOT PROTEIN, signals satiety gens that tell you you are full! Add that fiber! Where can you find fiber, fruits and veggies. Not meats! 

Water, water, water, water, water, water!! Drink that water. This should go with out saying, but I don't think we understand how important this is.

A food journey! This for me is hard! I have taped a sheet of paper on the fridge and always have a pen close by. I write down what I have, and this really helps me to see when I end up in the kitchen and THINK I need something. 

In closing there is a chapter about seeing your doctor. Being aware of your body, its most important. If you know you have high sugar or blood pressure, please talk to your doctor. Most ailments can be controlled through diet, hopefully your doctor is on board with this. I have have high blood pressure and had to take medication. With the understanding between me and my doctor that I was going to make changes and hope to come off of it completely. So far I am half the dose and only take it every other day. I am praying and with my continue weight loss I will be off of it completely in the next several months. But I have to be smart and know that I just cant stop taking it until its time. 

Remember God loves you no matter what. Being over weight is not your fault but you can take charge and make a change inside and out! 

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